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Rubén M.

(aka delegao)

Climate activist. Archivist. Against censorship. Student.

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"Delegao does things"

What's all that fuss about your projects? That might be the question that arises inside you. Well, I actually have several live projects which are where I spend most of my time and effort.

I guess we could all say that this page is one of them, right? Nevermind, let's continue...

Zonautas logo


Zonautas is an Spanish blog about technology, gadgets and videogames. Its motto is to offer content that pleases reading above anything else. This might be the project that I appreciate the most, as it was the start of a new era for me.

It started as a forum but shortly after became the blog that it is today with a wide array of reviews and articles.

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Linux22 is a learning platform that offers virtual private servers to promote the use of IPv6, GNU/Linux and FLOSS software altogether. It strives to be a collaborative project with an outstanding community that looks after each other.

Since its inception back in 2017, it has grown from two servers to five that are solely used by their users.

This will be phased out to a new brand that will offer an ever better service in the near future.

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JuventudXClima - FridaysForFuture Spain

JuventudXClima is the regional Fridays For Future branch in Spain that fights against the adverse effects of climate change and global warming. I am the co-founder of the (now defunct) local Fridays For Future branch in my city and member of the regional and European website commitee.

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The future is yet to be told.